Саммарсы пообещали выдать Spit out your soul до конца этого месяца!!!
caelimane пишет:
Part 2 should be out very soon. We're putting the finishing touches on it right now. Part 3 should also be out this month.
These are taking a long time because the doujins are long (Part 3 is over 70 pages), and because Part 2 ends on a cliffhanger even worse than Part 1 did, so we wanted to make sure we release Part 3 soon after Part 2. (Trust me, you will understand this once you reach the end of Part 2 -- you will want to have Part 3 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.)
*вкапывается в землю у порога сайта*
| вторник, 08 декабря 2009